The reason behind the name Hiaguedes is Hiaguedes is equal Hiago Guedes where Hiago Guedes is my name, so to not say the go Gue you only say gue
I'm a Mechatronic Engineer with a passion for technology in general, because of that my areas of interest are in Electronics and Computing.
Currently I'm into web development, and I'm willing to progress into Back end development and in Data Science too and once I have this powers combined I want to integrate these knowledges with my hardware habilities, if this is somekind possible, if not I heard some tale once that says "Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!". With the knowledge I have now I think this path leads to the field of internet of things or anything crazy headed.
2013-2018 | Mechatronic Engineer. Universidade Católica de Petrópolis 🗸
2019-present | Front End Developer and Computer Network on Alura and Digital Innovation One. The full certificate (on Alura) can be seen here
I will put here some of the repositorys I worked on.
I actually working on better projects, you will see :D
Well, from home and projects sections you could see I have a touch for eletronics and programming in general.
Here I will resume some of my abilities and what I want to learn from now on.
What I want to learn